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  • Writer's pictureElla Risa

What is the NOOK® by Barnes and Noble, and Why Should You Have One?

The NOOK® by Barnes and Noble

The NOOK® is an e-reader created by Barnes and Noble. I currently own the NOOK® Glowlight 3.

I feel that the NOOK® is a worthwhile purchase. It is slim, lightweight, and can fit in almost any purse or backpack. I really enoy that moment when I'm bored in public, waiting in a line, or such, and I suddenly realize I have a book waiting for me, right in my purse! It also eases the cravings when you're at a good part, and you have to do something. You know, when you fumble for the bookmark and lose your page? Or you quickly dog-ear the pages and ruin your book? Well, the NOOK® never loses your page! Whether it's bookmarked or not, the NOOK® comes back to the page you were last on. You can even exit the book; it will still save.

Another cool feature of my NOOK® is the Glowlight. The Glowlight allows you to read in the dark without damaging your eyes and keeping you up. The NOOK® has a bluelight filter. Bluelight is a light emitted from most screens that is very damaging to the eyes. NOOK® prevents damage to the eyes and allows for reading at night. It's a win-win.

The way that NOOK® works is that you buy e-books straight from Barnes and Noble. Simple and easy! I have even found better deals on the NOOK® than in the physical store before. A book that I mentioned in my first post, Ender's Game, was about 12 dollars at the Barnes and Noble store, while I found it for 7 dollars on the NOOK® store. It was great! I didn't have to carry around a bulky paper book and it was cheaper. Another win-win!

All in all, I think the NOOK® is an investment worthy of at least your looking into. It is a really awesome product, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

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